Quasar Rules 2005

South Shields Quasar – November 11th, 12th & 13th 2005





1)      No Physical Contact


2)    No climbing, jumping or vaulting over the obstacles


3)    Players must hold the gun with both hands at ALL times.


4)    No full cover permitted.


5)    No sitting, lying or rolling on the arena floor


6)    Players must not restrict the progress through the arena, or the movement of any other player AT ANY TIME.


7)     When a player has lost all of their lives, they must return, without delay, to the energiser, without interfering in play.


8)    Dead mirroring is forbidden, however a player may angle themselves as they pass to give a mirror, providing they do not stop or go back for another attempt.


9)    Players must play in a controlled manner at all times


10) Players cannot intentionally block an opposing players shot, this includes bongs and base shots.





11)    No player is allowed to leave the arena during the course of play unless permitted by the marshal.


12)  No raising of the knee or leg to assist covering


13)  No Gun Plugs / Keys, Universal Remotes, Minigisers are to be brought into the arena. If a player is caught using any of the above devices during the course of play, or caught resetting their gun by any other device or method, such as fusing the pack, it will result in the instant disqualification of their team for the rest of the tournament


14) Packs must not be altered in any way to bias the way they are worn. Side straps may be double strapped, left strap to right clip and vice versa, as long as the straps do not obstruct the front sensor in any way. Players cannot attach both straps to one clip.


15)  Gun Straps can be worn either around the neck or they maybe wrapped tight to the gun or wrist. If the strap is wrapped around the gun or wrist, it must not obstruct any of the sensors at any time.


16) T-shirts must be worn at all times, sleeves must be above the elbow.


17)  Tubi Grips are permitted on both arms. A single layer is permitted between the wrist and the armpit for protection only, and must not be doubled up in an attempt to offer assistance to a players cover


18)  Gloves and Caps are not permitted


19) Trash talking is allowed, as long as it remains within the spirit of the game. Any Swearing or intimidating / aggressive comments towards an opposing player are forbidden.